2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech

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TT04 Stability and harmonic power flow in converter-dominated grids under consideration of converters control nonlinearities (Part II)

Sunday, 25 June 2023
15:45 - 17:45



As largely acknowledged, the widespread integration of converter-interfaced distributed energy resources (DERs) has triggered fundamental changes in the operation of power systems and, as a matter of fact, the integration of power electronic devices is at the base of fundamental research on the topics of power systems’ stability, power quality and control. In a traditional power system, dynamics are mainly associated with synchronous generators and their controls responsible to maintain frequency and voltage through speed governors and automatic voltage regulators. Increased penetration of converter-interfaced DERs has a considerable impact on these controls requiring realistic, sophisticated and computationally-tractable DERs models as essential tools for the study of the stability and power quality of converter-dominated grids.

Within this context, the tutorial discusses the most recent developments regarding modeling strategies and frameworks applied to converter-dominated grids with particular focus on static analysis, harmonic power flow, small-signal stability and AC/DC interactions in converter-interfaced resources.

Course Outline (duration 4h)

Part 1: Modeling and stability in converter-dominated grids – 1 hours and 30 minutes
A. Fundamentals of modeling and control of grid-connected converters – 30 minutes
B. Nonlinear state-space modeling of power electronics-based power systems – 30 minutes
C. Stability analysis of power electronics-based power systems considering static and dynamic aspects – 30 minutes

Coffee break – 15 minutes

Part 2: Harmonic Power Flow in converter-dominated grids – 1 hours and 30 minutes
A. Harmonic power flow analysis in converter-dominated grids – 45 minutes
B. Impact of converter synchronization and DC voltage dynamics on harmonic propagation – 45 minutes

Questions and answers – 15-30 minutes


Federico Cecati
Fraunhofer ISIT

Marco Liserre
Chair of Power Electronics, Kiel University, Germany

Mario Paolone
Chair of the Distributed Electrical Systems Laboratory, EPFL, Swiss

Johanna Becker
Chair of the Distributed Electrical Systems Laboratory, EPFL, Swiss




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