OpenConf Peer Review and Submission Management System
Sunday, 25 June 2023
Mehdi Ghazavi Dozein
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain
Marc Cheah Mañe
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain
Dawei Qiu
The Imperial College London, UK
Shengrong Bu
Brock University, Canada
Zhu Han
University of Houston, USA
Jovica Milanovic
The University of Manchester, UK
Dragan Vuckovic
University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Serbia
José Miguel Riquelme
Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain
Lenos Hadjidemetriou
University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Matej Krpan
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Stefan Borozan
Imperial College London and Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Mathaios Panteli
University of Cyprus
Xavier Guillaud
Centrale Lille, France
Frederic Colas
ENSAM- Lille, France
Carmen Cardozo
RTE, France
Petros Aristidou
Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Junru Chen
Xinjiang University, China
Ahsan Murad
DIgSILENT GmbH, Germany
Taulant Kërçi
EirGrid, TSO, Ireland
Federico Milano
University College Dublin, Ireland
Mehdi Ghazavi Dozein
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain
Marc Cheah Mañe
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain
Dawei Qiu
The Imperial College London, UK
Shengrong Bu
Brock University, Canada
Zhu Han
University of Houston, USA
Jovica Milanovic
The University of Manchester, UK
Dragan Vuckovic
University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Serbia
José Miguel Riquelme
Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain
Lenos Hadjidemetriou
University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Matej Krpan
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Stefan Borozan
Imperial College London and Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Mathaios Panteli
University of Cyprus
Xavier Guillaud
Centrale Lille, France
Frederic Colas
ENSAM- Lille, France
Carmen Cardozo
RTE, France
Petros Aristidou
Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Junru Chen
Xinjiang University, China
Ahsan Murad
DIgSILENT GmbH, Germany
Taulant Kërçi
EirGrid, TSO, Ireland
Federico Milano
University College Dublin, Ireland
Fabian Heymann
Swiss Federal Office of Energy / École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Andrei Covatariu
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Carla Gonçalves
Senior Researcher at the Centre for Power and Energy Systems in INESC TEC, Portugal
Davide Fioriti
University of Pisa
Hrvoje Keko
KONČAR Digital
Federico Cecati
Fraunhofer ISIT
Marco Liserre
Chair of Power Electronics, Kiel University, Germany
Mario Paolone
Chair of the Distributed Electrical Systems Laboratory, EPFL, Swiss
Johanna Becker
Chair of the Distributed Electrical Systems Laboratory, EPFL, Swiss
Jovica Milanovic
The University of Manchester, UK
Dragan Vuckovic
University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Serbia
José Miguel Riquelme
Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain
Lenos Hadjidemetriou
University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Matej Krpan
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Stefan Borozan
Imperial College London and Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Mathaios Panteli
University of Cyprus
Xavier Guillaud
Centrale Lille, France
Frederic Colas
ENSAM- Lille, France
Carmen Cardozo
RTE, France
Sleiman Mhanna
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Pierluigi Mancarella
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Fabian Heymann
Swiss Federal Office of Energy / École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Andrei Covatariu
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Carla Gonçalves
Senior Researcher at the Centre for Power and Energy Systems in INESC TEC, Portugal
Davide Fioriti
University of Pisa
Hrvoje Keko
KONČAR Digital
Federico Cecati
Fraunhofer ISIT
Marco Liserre
Chair of Power Electronics, Kiel University, Germany
Mario Paolone
Chair of the Distributed Electrical Systems Laboratory, EPFL, Swiss
Johanna Becker
Chair of the Distributed Electrical Systems Laboratory, EPFL, Swiss
Jovica Milanovic
The University of Manchester, UK
Dragan Vuckovic
University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Serbia
José Miguel Riquelme
Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain
Lenos Hadjidemetriou
University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Matej Krpan
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Stefan Borozan
Imperial College London and Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Mathaios Panteli
University of Cyprus
Xavier Guillaud
Centrale Lille, France
Frederic Colas
ENSAM- Lille, France
Carmen Cardozo
RTE, France
Sleiman Mhanna
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Pierluigi Mancarella
The University of Melbourne, Australia
(School of Electrical Engineering)
Transfer from the Crowne Plaza Hotel to the welcome cocktail has been organized at 18:00 and 18:15, as well as the return route after the reception at 19:30 and 19:45.
Monday, 26 June 2023
(A - Pacific)
Professor Predrag Stefanov, School of Electrical Engineering, the University of Belgrade – General Chair of IEEE PowerTech 2023 conference
Professor Aleksandar Stanković, School of Engineering, Tufts University, Boston, USA – Chair of Technical Program committee
Dr Shay Bahramirad, Incoming President of the IEEE Power & Energy Society and Senior Vice President of Engineering, Asset Management and Capital Program at LUMA Energy, Puerto Rico
Professor Joao A. Peças Lopes, University of Porto, Portugal, Chair of the International Steering Committee of Powertech conferences (on behalf of the International Steering Committee)
Professor Dejan Gvozdić, Head of School of Electrical Engineering of the University of Belgrade
Professor Vladan Đokić, Rector of the University of Belgrade
Ms. Dubravka Đedović, Minister of Mining and Energy, in the Government of the Republic of Serbia
(A - Pacific)
Prof. Jovica Milanovic, The University of Manchester, Dipl.Ing., MSc, PhD, DSc, CEng, FIET, FIEEE
Professor Dušan Borojević, Distinguished Professor at Virginia Tech, US National Academy of Engineering, IEEE Life Fellow
Professor Marija Ilić, Senior Research Scientist at LIDS, Adjunct Professor at MIT, Professor Emerita at Carnegie Mellon University, US National Academy of Engineering, Academia Europaea, IEEE Life Fellow
Professor Mladen Kezunović, Regents Professor and Eugene E. Webb Endowed Professor at Texas A&M University, US National Academy of Engineering, IEEE Life Fellow
Dr Damir Novosel, President and founder of Quanta Technology, US National Academy of Engineering, IEEE Fellow
Professor Slobodan Vukosavić, Professor at the University of Belgrade, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
(A - Pacific)
Prof. Jovica Milanovic, The University of Manchester, Dipl.Ing., MSc, PhD, DSc, CEng, FIET, FIEEE
Jelena Matejic, General Manager of EMS - Serbian TSO
Claudia Blanco, Chief Innovation Officer Grid Solutions business, CSTO Office - GE Renewable Energy
Prof. Vijay Vittal, Regents Professor, Ira A. Fulton Chair Professor, ASU Foundation Professor - Arizona State University, U.S. National Academy of Engineering, IEEE Fellow
Wayne Bishop Jr., IEEE PES Vice President, Meetings and Conferences, and Vice President Industry Outreach and Strategy at Quanta Technology
Dr. Shay Bahramirad, Senior Vice President, Engineering and Asset Management at LUMA Energy in Puerto Rico and IEEE PES President Elect (incoming President)
Dr. Damir Novosel, Founder and President, Quanta Technology
Dr. Luka Strezoski, Professor and the Head of the Power Engineering and Applied Software Department, University of Novi Sad, Serbia.
Mr. Nikola Obradović, Director for International and Regulatory Affairs at the EMS – the Serbian TSO.
Ivana Kockar, University of Strathclyde, UK
Gregor Verbic, University of Sydney, Australia
Dimitrios Papadaskalopoulos, University of Patras, Greece
Vedran Peric, Technical University Munich, Germany
Session Chair: Gianfranco Chicco; Jelena Ponocko83. A Techno-Economic Analysis To Compare Low Voltage Dc With Ac Grids For Led LightingTimon De Wispelaere, KU Leuven, Belgium; Simon Ravyts, KU Leuven, Belgium; Nathan Baeckeland, KU Leuven, Belgium; Michael Kleemann, KU Leuven, Belgium195. Parameter Identifiability and Estimation of Thermostatically Controlled LoadsIoannis Marios Granitsas, University of Michigan, United States; Ian Hiskens, University of Michigan, United States; Johanna Mathieu, University of Michigan, United States; Gregory Ledva, Virtual Peaker, United Kingdom209. Dynamic Grid Tariffs For Electric Vehicle Charging: Results From A Real-World ExperimentNico Brinkel, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, Netherlands; Peter Markotić, ElaadNL, Netherlands; Leon Kuiper, Stedin Groep, Netherlands; Santor Warmerdam, Stedin Groep, Netherlands; Brecht Baeten, Enervalis, Belgium; Henk Fidder, Stedin Groep, Netherlands; Robin Berg, We Drive Solar, Netherlands; Bart van der Ree, Utrecht Sustainability Institute, Netherlands; Wilfried van Sark, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, Netherlands; Tarek AlSkaif, Information Technology Group, Wageningen University and Research, Netherlands241. Electric Off-Road Mobile Machinery Systems With Portable Energy Supply and Local Energy GenerationEdvin Wallander, Lund University, Sweden; Bobbie Frank, Lund University, Sweden; Mats Alaküla, Lund University, Sweden; Francisco Márquez-Fernández, Lund University, Sweden271. Optimal Energy Rationing For Prepaid Electricity CustomersMaitreyee Marathe, University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States; Line A. Roald, University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States333. Recurrent Soft Actor Critic Reinforcement Learning For Demand Response ProblemsUlrich Ludolfinger, University of Applied Sciences Landshut, Germany; Daniel Zinsmeister, Technical University of Munich, Germany; Vedran Peric , Technical University of Munich, Germany; Thomas Hamacher, Technical University of Munich, Germany; Sascha Hauke, University of Applied Sciences Landshut, Germany; Maren Martens, University of Applied Sciences Landshut, Germany
Prof Gregor Verbic, Professor, The University of Sydney, Australia
Gregor Verbic, The University of Sydney, Australia
Johann Mathieu, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Frederik Geth, GridQube, Brisbane, Australia
Masood Parvania, University of Utah, USA
Nikos Hatziargyriou, National Technical University of Athens
Dionysios Aliprantis, Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
Maria Teresa Correia de Barros, Editor-in-Chief for the ELSEVIER International Journal of Electrical Power Systems Research
Claudio Canizares, Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Gianfranco Chicco, Editor-in-Chief for the ELSEVIER Sustainable Energy Grids and Networks
Antonio Gomez Exposito, Vice Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy
Jovica Milanovic, Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Vladimir Terzija, Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
(A - Pacific)
Prof. Miroslav M. Begovic, Carolyn S. & Tommie E. Lohman ’59 Professor and Head of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University
John McDonald, GE Grid Solutions - Smart Grid Business Development Leader, IEEE PES Past President, U. S. National Academy of Engineering, IEEE Life Fellow, CIGRE Honorary Member
Professor Mario Paolone, Chair of Distributed Electrical Systems Laboratory - EPFL, IEEE Fellow
Professor Christian Rehtanz, Head of the Institute of Energy Systems, Energy Efficiency and Energy Economics (ie3) - TU Dortmund University, member of Academy of Science Berlin-Brandenburg, IEEE Fellow
Nikos Hatziargyriou, National Technical University of Athens
Peter Palensky, Delft University of Technology
Jelena Ponocko, Lead Engineer, Scottish Power Energy Networks
Florin Capitanescu, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
Marija Ilic, MIT
Dr Muhidin Lelic, Quanta Technology – Dir. Applied R&D, and Dir. Grid Advancement LUMA Energy
Dr. Emanuel Bernabeu, Sr. Director, Applied Innovation & Analytics, PJM Interconnection, USA
Dr. Muhidin (Dino) Lelic, Dir. Applied R&D, Executive Advisor, Quanta Technology, USA
Dr. Martina Joševski, Regional Leader, Eaton Research Labs, Germany
Dr. Masood Parvania, University of Utah, USA
Jeff Schlegelmilch, Director, National Center for Disaster Preparedness, Columbia Climate School, Columbia University, USA
Dr Ninel Čukalevski, Mihajlo Pupin Institute, Belgrade, Serbia
C - Atlantic
B - Atlantic
A - Pacific
D - Adriatic Mediterranean
E - Aegean Baltic
Session Chair: Dirk Westermann; Aleksandra Lekić81. Pole-Phase Transformation For Ac/dc Hybrid Power GridsHaonan Wang, State Key Lab. Of Power System and Generation Equipment, Tsinghua University, China; Boliang Jin, State Key Lab. Of Power System and Generation Equipment, Tsinghua University, China; Qihuan Dong, State Key Lab. Of Power System and Generation Equipment, Tsinghua University, China; Wujie Chao, State Grid Fujian Electric Power Research Institute, China; Xinzhou Dong, State Key Lab. Of Power System and Generation Equipment, Tsinghua University, China280. Power Routing Strategy For An Offshore-Onshore Bipolar Vsc-Hvdc InterconnectorJane Marchand, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; Arcadio Perilla, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; Midhuna Garapati, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; Francisco Gonzalez-Longatt, University of Exeter, United Kingdom; Jose Luis Rueda Torres, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands286. Flexible Dc-Mmc Interconnecting A Bipole and A Symmetrical MonopoleDaniel Gomez Acero, SuperGrid Institute, France; Marc Cheah Mañé, CITCEA - UPC, Spain; Juan David Páez, SuperGrid Instittue, France; Florent Morel, SuperGrid Institute, France; Oriol Gomis Bellmunt, CITCEA - UPC, Spain340. Minimum Scr and Impact of Pll Gain On Flat Start Capability On A Point To Point Vsc-Hvdc InterconnectionRoni Irnawan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia; Rian Fatah Mochamad, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia; Filipe Faria da Silva, Aalborg University, Denmark; Qi Zhang, Aalborg University, Denmark; Sarjiya Sarjiya, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia361. Guidelines For Emt Transmission Line Models For Time-Domain Protection AlgorithmsJoachim Vermunicht, KU Leuven/EnergyVille, Belgium; Willem Leterme, KU Leuven/EnergyVille, Belgium; Mudar Abedrabbo, KU Leuven/EnergyVille, Belgium; Dirk Van Hertem, KU Leuven/EnergyVille, Belgium402. Dc Equivalent of An Ac Circuit Through An Inverter In A Symmetric Monopolar ConfigurationQuentin Delhaye, UCLouvain, Belgium; Marc Bekemans, UCLouvain, Belgium; Emmanuel De Jaeger, UCLouvain, Belgium404. Development of Reliable Power Electronic Systems Using Real Time Digital Twin Based Power Hardware-In-The-Loop TestbedAditya Shekhar, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; Gautam Rituraj, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; Robin van der Sande, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; Miad Ahmadi, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; Vaibhav Nougain, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; Rohan Deshmukh, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; Aleksandra Lekic, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; Peter Palensky, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; Pavol Bauer, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands460. Sizing Methodology For Superconducting Fault Current Limiters In Hvdc GridsD. Marene Larruskain, Univ. of Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain; Agurtzane Etxegarai, Univ. of Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain; Araitz Iturregi, Univ. of Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain; Oihane Abarrategi, Univ. of Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain; Pablo Eguia, Univ. of Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain464. Detection, Classification and Localization of Faults In Lvdc Microgrid Using AnnAnu Bhalla, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India; Bhavesh R. Bhalja, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India; Ekta Purwar, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India; Darko Šošić, University of Belgrade- School of Electrical Engineering, Serbia; Zoran Stojanović, University of Belgrade- School of Electrical Engineering, Serbia
Carlos Ugalde-Loo, Cardiff University
Vladimir Terzija, Newcastle University
Thomas Hamacher, Technical University of Munich
Aihui Fu, TU Delft
Zhao Haoran, Shandong University
Dr Robin Preece, The University of Manchester
Robin Preece, The University of Manchester
Mathaios Panteli, University of Cyprus
Jihad Guenaou, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Panagiotis Papadopoulos, University of Strathclyde
Tabia Ahmad, University of Strathclyde
Dr. Oihane Abarrategi, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Prof. Leposava Ristic, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Dr Valentina Janev, Mihajlo Pupin Institute, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Dr Inġ. Brian Azzopardi, , Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) | The Foundation for Innovation and Research Malta (
Dr. Derek Baker, Middle East Technical University (METU / ODTU)
Dr. Paulo Duque de Brito, Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre (IPP)
B - Atlantic
A - Pacific
C - Atlantic
E - Aegean Baltic
D - Adriatic Mediterranean
Session Chair: Eduardo Martinez Cesena; John McDonald225. Uncertainty-Aware Tso-Dso Coordination Methodology For Transmission Voltages ControlMohammad Iman Alizadeh, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg; Muhammad Usman , National Grid ESO, United Kingdom; Florin Capitanescu, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg; André Guimaraes Madureira, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg243. Market Order Prequalification For Tso-Dso CoordinationIoannis Papayiannis, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence, Cyprus; Markos Asprou, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence, Cyprus; Lenos Hadjidemetriou, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence, Cyprus; Stelios Timotheou, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence, Cyprus322. Tso-Dso Coordinated Operational Planning In The Presence of Shared ResourcesMicael Simões, INESC TEC, Portugal; André Madureira, LIST, Luxembourg; Filipe Soares, INESC TEC, Portugal; João Peças Lopes, FEUP, Portugal327. Assessing Distribution Network Flexibility Via Reliability-Based P-Q Area SegmentationAndrey Churkin, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom; Wangwei Kong, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom; Nicolas Jose Melchor Gutierrez, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom; Pierluigi Mancarella, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom; Eduardo Alejandro Martinez Cesena, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom349. Impacts of Distribution Network Reconfiguration On Aggregated der FlexibilityAndrey Churkin, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom; Miguel Sanchez-Lopez, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom; Mohammad Iman Alizadeh, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg; Florin Capitanescu, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg; Eduardo Alejandro Martinez Cesena, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom; Pierluigi Mancarella, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom394. A Fast Method To Approximate The Flexibility Region of An Active Distribution Network In Pq SpaceGiorgos Prionistis, NTUA, Greece; Costas Vournas, NTUA, Greece; Maria Vrakopoulou, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Dr Jelena Ponocko, Lead Engineer, Scottish Power Energy Networks
Carmen Lucia Tancredo Borges, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Kyriaki-Nefeli Malamaki, Independent Power Transmission Operator, Greece
Anne Blavette, Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Rennes, France
Elena Gryazina, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), Moscow, Russia
Prof. Aleksandar Stankovic, Tufts University, School of Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering Boston, USA
Prof. Nikola Rajaković, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Prof. Vesna Borozan, University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (UKIM/FEIT)
Prof. Igor Kuzle, University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Prof. Gregor Verbič, University of Sydney, Australia
Prof. Amir Tokić, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
(A - Pacific)
Prof. Aleksandar Stankovic, Tufts University, School of Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering Boston, USA
Professor Anuradha Annaswamy, Director of the Active-Adaptive Control Laboratory at MIT, Past President, IEEE CSS, IEEE & IFAC Fellow
Professor Pierluigi Mancarella, Chair Professor of the Electrical Power Systems - University of Melbourne, IEEE Fellow
Dr Dejan Ostojic, Past Sector Leader for Energy in the World Bank, a member of the Supervisory Board of Elektroprivreda Srbije, EPS a.d.
A - Pacific
D - Adriatic Mediterranean
C - Atlantic
B - Atlantic
E - Aegean Baltic
Session Chair: Andreas Ulbig; Peter Palensky11. Experimental Impact Analysis of Cyberattacks In Power Systems Using Digital Real-Time TestbedsKalinath Katuri, University of Connecticut, United States; Ioannis Zografopoulos, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia; Ha Thi Nguyen, University of Connecticut, United States; Charalambos Konstantinou, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia123. Net-Zero Energy Factories As Active Players In The Decarbonization Process. An Application For BlockchainPio Lombardi, Fraunhofer Institute for factory operation and automation, Germany; Sandeep Yadav Mattepu, Fraunhofer Institute for factory operation and automation, Germany; Hannes Wasser, Magdeburg-Stendal University for Applied sciences, Germany; Bartlomiej Arendarski, Fraunhofer Institute for factory operation and automation, Germany; Marc Richter, Fraunhofer Institute for factory operation and automation, Germany; Antonio Pantaleo, Department of agricultural and environmental science. University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy; Przemyslaw Komarnicki, Magdeburg-Stendal University for Applied sciences, Germany319. Integration of Remote Attestation Into Iec 61850Bastian Fraune, Hochschule Bremen, Germany; Torben Woltjen, Hochschule Bremen, Germany; Björn Siemers, OFFIS e.V., Germany; Richard Sethmann, Hochschule Bremen, Germany330. An Approach To Abstract Multi-Stage Cyberattack Data Generation For Ml-Based Ids In Smart GridsÖmer Sen, IAEW at RWTH Aachen University, Germany; Philipp Malskorn, IAEW at RWTH Aachen University, Germany; Simon Glomb, IAEW at RWTH Aachen University, Germany; Immanuel Hacker, IAEW at RWTH Aachen University, Germany; Martin Henze, Security and Privacy in Industrial Cooperation at RWTH Aachen University, Germany; Andreas Ulbig, IAEW at RWTH Aachen University, Germany371. Decentralized Token Exchanges In Blockchain Enabled Interconnected Smart MicrogridsDisha Lagadamane Dinesha, Indian Institute of Science, India; Balachandra Patil, Indian Institute of Science, India
Transfer from the Crowne Plaza Hotel to the restaurant has been organized at 19:00, 19:15, and 19:30, as well as the return route after the event, starting from 23:30 till 00:30 every 15 minutes.
Nicolaos A. Cutululis, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Prof. Dirk Van Hertem, KU Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Nicolaos A. Cutululis, DTU, Denmark
Fitim Kryezi, Energinet, Denmark
Dr. Angelo L’Abbate, RSE
Clement Hardy, Elia, Belgium
Maja Grbić, Electrical Engineering Institute Nikola Tesla
Aleksandra Lekić, TU Delft
Nenad Uzelac, G&W Electric Company
Jelena Lukić, Electrical Engineering Institute Nikola Tesla
Maja Grbić, Electrical Engineering Institute Nikola Tesla
Dr. Daniel Donaldson, University of Birmingham (UK)
Mathaios Panteli, University of Cyprus
Xueqin (Amy) Liu, Queen’s University Belfast
Matthew Deakin, Newcastle University
Dr. Balaji Venkateswaran V, University of Cyprus
Dr. Jochen Cremer, TU Delft
Filipe Joel Soares, INESC TEC
Eduardo Alejandro Martínez Ceseña, The University of Manchester
Florin Capitanescu, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
Mohammad Iman Alizadeh
Gopal Lal Rajora
Miguel Ángel Sanz Bobi, Comillas Pontifical University
Session Chair: Dirk Van Hertem; Christian Rehtanz26. Virtual Resistance Control For Sequential Green-Start of Offshore Wind Power PlantsAnubhav Jain, Vestas, Portugal; Oscar Saborío-Romano, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark; Jayachandra N. Sakamuri, Hitachi Energy Denmark A/S, Denmark; Nicolaos A. Cutululis, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark103. A Lightning Stroke Identification Method For Hvdc Transmission Line ProtectionZhen Liu, Shool of Electrical engineering,Shandong University, China; Houlei Gao, Shool of Electrical engineering,Shandong University, China; Lin Li, Shool of Electrical engineering,Shandong University, China; Fang Peng, Shool of Electrical engineering,Shandong University, China164. Single-Ended Dc Fault Location Method For Mmc-Based Hvdc Power System Using Adaptive Multi-Step Levenberg-Marquardt AlgorithmLe Liu, IEPG, Faulty of EEMCS, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; Fan Xie, IEPG, Faulty of EEMCS, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; Marjan Popov, IEPG, Faulty of EEMCS, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; Zhiguo Hao, School of Electrical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China; Aleksandra Lekic, IEPG, Faulty of EEMCS, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands266. Impact of Structural Design of Dc Distribution Grids On Reliability of SupplyJulian Saat, RWTH Aachen University, Germany; Ruben Fürst, RWTH Aachen University, Germany; Sebastian Stein, RWTH Aachen University, Germany; Maxim Müllender, RWTH Aachen University, Belgium; Andreas Ulbig, RWTH Aachen University, Germany320. Control of Mmc-Based Isolated Dc/dc Converter For Hvdc TappingQi Zhang, AAU Energy, Aalborg University, Denmark; Filipe Faria da Silva, AAU Energy, Aalborg University, Denmark; Roni Irnawan, Department of Ele. and Inf. Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia; Rian Fatah Mochamad, Department of Ele. and Inf. Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia444. Experimental and Analytical Evaluation of Equipment Sensitivity To Dc Voltage Ripple and Ac Voltage SagsJoy Yao, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom; Shuyang Zhu, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom; Paul Judge, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom; Sasa Djokic, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Session Chair: Pierluigi Mancarella; Carlos Ugalde-Loo130. Coupled Multi-Energy Grid Planning - Paving The Way From Isolated To Integrated PlanningJohannes Heise, Institute of Electric Power and Energy Technology, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany; Merlin Engel, Innovation Management, Stromnetz Hamburg GmbH, Germany; Marwan Mostafa, Institute of Electric Power and Energy Technology, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany; Jonathan Vieth, Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany; Davood Babazadeh, Institute of Electric Power and Energy Technology, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany; Arne Speerforck, Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany; Christian Becker, Institute of Electric Power and Energy Technology, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany239. Modeling of Multi-Energy Systems As Multilayer NetworksAntonio Pepiciello, Catalonia Institute for Energy Research, Spain; Carmela Bernardo, Linkoping University, Sweden; José Luis Domínguez-García, Catalonia Institute for Energy Research, Spain240. Modeling and Sizing of A Hydrogen Bus Refueling Infrastructure -- A Case Study For Reunion IslandAgnès François, FEMTO-ST Institute, FCLAB, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté, UTBM, CNRS, France; Robin Roche, FEMTO-ST Institute, FCLAB, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté, UTBM, CNRS, France; Dominique Grondin, ENERGY-lab, Université de La Réunion, France; Michel Benne, ENERGY-lab, Université de La Réunion, France345. Sizing of An Integrated Power Supply System With An Electrolyzer and A Hydrogen-Fueled Gas TurbineFatimatou Wade, Femto-ST Institute, FCLAB, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté, UTBM, CNRS, France; Alexandre Chailan, GE Gas Power, 20 Avenue du Maréchal Juin, BP 379, France; Robin Roche, Femto-ST Institute, FCLAB, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté, UTBM, CNRS, France; Vincent Bertrand, CRESE EA3190, Université de Franche-Comté, France; Damien Paire, Femto-ST Institute, FCLAB, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté, UTBM, CNRS, France393. Integration of Hydrogen In Sequential Monte Carlo Power Systems Adequacy AssessmentAurélia Hernandez, UCLouvain, Belgium; François Vallée, UMons, Belgium; Emmanuel De Jaeger, UCLouvain, Belgium405. Techno-Economic Analysis of Low-Temperature Electrolysis' Waste-Heat UtilizationThomas Swarts, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands; Johan Morren, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands; Wouter van den Akker, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands; Arjan van Voorden, Stedin, Netherlands; Han Slootweg, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Dr Mehdi Ghazavi Dozein, University of Melbourne, Australia
Dr Marina Oluić, Swedish National Grid, Sweden
Dr Panos Kotsampopoulos, Senior Research Fellow, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Dr Saman Dadjoo Tavakoli, HVDC Control and Protection Engineer, Siemens Energy, Germany
Dr Jochen Cremer, TU Delft, Netherlands
Dr. Sleiman Mhanna, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Session Chair: Line Roald; Mengshuo Jia92. Overview of Data-Driven Power Flow LinearizationMengshuo Jia, ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Gabriela Hug, ETH Zurich, Switzerland135. Solving Ac Power Flow With Graph Neural Networks Under Realistic ConstraintsLuis Böttcher, RWTH Aachen University, Germany; Hinrikus Wolf, RWTH Aachen University, Germany; Bastian Jung, RWTH Aachen University, Germany; Philipp Lutat, RWTH Aachen University, Germany; Marc Trageser, RWTH Aachen University, Germany; Oliver Pohl, Schleswig Holstein Netz AG, Germany; Xiaohu Tao, E.ON SE, Germany; Andreas Ulbig, RWTH Aachen University, Germany; Martin Grohe, RWTH Aachen University, Germany146. Harmonic Power-Flow Study of Hybrid Ac/dc Grids With Converter-Interfaced Distributed Energy ResourcesJohanna Kristin Maria Becker, EPFL, Switzerland; Andreas Martin Kettner, PSI Neplan AG, Switzerland; Yihui Zuo, EPFL, Switzerland; Mario Paolone, EPFL, Switzerland378. Power Flow Algorithm Using A Second Order Differentation ApproachFRANCISCO ECHAVARREN, Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería ICAI. Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica., Spain; LUIS ROUCO, Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería ICAI. Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica., Spain; ÁLVARO BENÍTEZ, Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería ICAI. Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica., Spain; LUKAS SIGRIST, Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería ICAI. Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica., Spain413. An Optimal Scheduling Tool For The Realization of On-Shore Power Supply At Seaports With Limited Power Supply From The Distribution GridGeorge Konstantinidis, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece; Alexandros Paspatis, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece; Emmanuel Karapidakis, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece433. Proportional Multiresonant Controller With Automatic Gains Adjustment For Grid-Connected InvertersIlya Veretennikov, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), Russia; Yaroslav Vlasov, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), Russia; Federico Ibanez, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), Russia; Vladimir Terzija, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), Russia; Ahmad Ali Nazeri, University of Kassel, Germany
Session Chair: Claudio Canizares; Jochen Cremer74. A Multi-Objective Home Energy Management System Based On Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring and Heat Pump ControlChristos Athanasiadis, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece; Theofilos Papadopoulos, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece; Georgios Kryonidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece149. Pseudo-Worst-Case Forecast With Neural Networks In Low Voltage GridsRazieh Balouchi, Technical University Dortmund, Germany; Ulf Häger, Technical University Dortmund, Germany; Wolfram Wellßow , University of Kaiserslautern, Germany173. Data Driven System Identification For Solid Oxide Fuel Cell SystemsFlorian Strobel, Institute of Electrical Power and Energy Technology, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany; Davood Babazadeh, Institute of Electrical Power and Energy Technology, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany; Christian Becker, Institute of Electrical Power and Energy Technology, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany247. Methods Comparison For Load Sensitivity IdentificationMaeva Courcelle, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; Qiucen Tao, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; Johanna Geis-Schroer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; Sergio Bruno, Politecnico di Baro, Italy; Thomas Leibfried, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; Giovanni De Carne, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany272. Ap-Gnn: Unsupervised Adaptive Distribution Grid-Level Representation LearningYuzhou Chen, Temple University, United States; Miguel Heleno, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, United States; Alexandre Moreira, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, United States; Yulia R. Gel, University of Texas at Dallas, United States358. M-Class Pmu For General Purpose Embedded Controllers In Ni Veristand EnvironmentAnurag Mohapatra, Technical University of Munich, Germany; Steffen Büttner, Technical University of Munich, Germany; thomas hamacher, Technical University of Munich, Germany; vedran peric, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Rafael Segundo, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
Alfredo Vaccaro, University of Sannio, Italy
Robert Eriksson, Svenska kraftnät, Sweden
Vladimir Terzija, Newcastle University, UK
Hector Chavez, University of Santiago de Chile, Chile
Dr. Panos Kotsampopoulos, National Technical University of Athens
Prof. Nikos Hatziargyriou, National Technical University of Athens
Dr. Panos Kotsampopoulos, National Technical University of Athens