2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech

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TT05 Innovative Training and Education on Renewable Energy Systems: Towards the Future Resilient, Sustainable and Carbon-Neutral Power Systems (Part III)

Sunday, 25 June 2023
13:30 - 15:30



The proliferation of renewable energy resources in transmission and distribution networks towards resilient carbon-neutral power systems highlights the growing need for well-rounded training and education of a large workforce of engineers to tackle the emerging challenges and needs of renewable-rich power systems. This tutorial brings together experience and expertise from several European partners of the newly funded Horizon Europe “Transition to sustainable future through training and education” (TRANSIT) project to provide novel training and education methodologies, tools and technological solutions on renewable energy systems. It will first introduce the challenges and needs of renewable-dominated power systems in the context of the European Green Deal for clean energy transition, and then it will provide holistic training on innovative approaches using state-of-the-art tools and solutions based on a wide range of power system software platforms (such as Typhoon HIL, DIgSILENT PowerFactory, and Matlab/Simulink), offering a unique opportunity to the participants for hands-on experience on renewable energy system simulation, modelling and planning.

Course Outline (duration 8h)

Timeslot: 09:00-09:15
Topic: Introduction to Tutorial: Outline, Aims and Objectives
Presenter: Mathaios Panteli, University of Cyprus
Delivery Mode: PowerPoint Slides

Timeslot: 09:15-09:45
Topic: Towards Resilient Carbon-Neutral Power Systems: Challenges, Needs and Opportunities
Presenter: Prof Jovica Milanovic, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Delivery Mode: PowerPoint Slides

Timeslot: 09:45-10:30
Topic: Τhe European Green Deal for clean energy transition: Design and Integration of Renewable Energy Sources
Presenter: Dragan Vuckovic, University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Serbia
Delivery Mode: PowerPoint Slides

Timeslot: 10:30-10:45
Topic: Summary and Questions
Moderator: Mathaios Panteli, University of Cyprus
Delivery Mode: Open Discussion

10:45-11:00 – Coffee Break

Timeslot: 11:00-12:30
Topic: Introduction to Real-Time Simulations with Typhoon HIL: Schematic Editor, HIL SCADA, analog and digital IOs
Presenter: José Miguel Riquelme, Polytechnic University of Madrid
Delivery Mode: Hands-on demonstration in Typhoon HIL Control Center software

12:30-13:00 – Lunch break

Timeslot: 13:00-14:00
Topic: EMT simulation and modelling of grid-following inverters for renewable energy systems Presenter: Lenos Hadjidemetriou, University of Cyprus
Delivery Mode: Hands-on demonstration in Matlab/Simulink

Timeslot: 14:00-15:30
Topic: EMT modelling and simulation of grid-forming converter control
Presenter: Matej Krpan, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Delivery Mode: Hands-on demonstration in DIgSILENT PowerFactory

15:30-15:45 – Coffee Break

Timeslot: 15:45-16:45
Topic: Transmission expansion planning under long-term uncertainty: stochastic optimization and the role of smart investment options
Presenter: Stefan Borozan, Imperial College London and Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Delivery Mode: PowerPoint Slides & Interactive Activities

Timeslot: 16:45-17:00
Topic: Questions and Closing Remarks
Moderator: Mathaios Panteli, University of Cyprus
Delivery mode: Open Discussion


Jovica Milanovic
The University of Manchester, UK

Dragan Vuckovic
University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Serbia

José Miguel Riquelme
Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain

Lenos Hadjidemetriou
University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Matej Krpan
University of Zagreb, Croatia

Stefan Borozan
Imperial College London and Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje

Mathaios Panteli
University of Cyprus


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