2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech

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TT03 Digital energy systems – Technologies, Use cases and Policy Options (Part I)

Sunday, 25 June 2023
13:30 - 15:30



Digitalization is a megatrend that affects and transforms societal, economic, and environmental processes on a global scale.

Driven by a combination of technological advances and evolving energy policy and regulation, digitalization also affects the operation and planning of the energy sector.

This tutorial provides a comprehensive, detailed overview over digitalization effects with emphasis on power systems, including data markets, emerging technologies, use cases, and challenges.

Course Outline (duration 4h)

  1. Background: Digitalization phenomena, drivers and its value proposition.
  2. Data and infrastructure: Components, energy demand and efficiency.
  3. Applications: Use cases, risks and benefits of digital technologies and business models, data valuation and markets.
  4. Perspectives: Current decision-maker perceptions on digital energy systems: outcomes of an international UN survey.
  5. Policy design: e.g., for cyber security, artificial intelligence, digital platforms and regulatory sandboxes.


Fabian Heymann
Swiss Federal Office of Energy / École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne

Andrei Covatariu
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Carla Gonçalves
Senior Researcher at the Centre for Power and Energy Systems in INESC TEC, Portugal

Davide Fioriti
University of Pisa

Hrvoje Keko
KONČAR Digital




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