2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech

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TT02 AI-driven Decarbonization for Power Systems (Part I)

Sunday, 25 June 2023
08:30 - 10:30



The ongoing decarbonization of power systems is altering the fundamental structure of system planning and operation by increasing the penetration of renewable energy resources (RESs), while forecasting an increase in the asset utilization of high electrification of transportation and efficient heating facilities. To meet the carbon budgets, the pace of decarbonization in deregulated markets needs to be significantly accelerated. These transitions, however, present crucial techno-economic challenges. More flexibilities are required to balance the less predictable and controllable RESs. A large number of small-scale distributed energy resources (DERs) are located and operated in a distributed manner, which may increase the challenges of managing them. Furthermore, privacy concerns need to be addressed due to the massive amount of data communicated by the decentralized power systems. In this context, this tutorial will first overview various kinds of approaches for power system decarbonization, then introduce advanced artificial intelligence (AI) tools, and finally focus on the applications of peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading and electric vehicles (EVs).

Course Outline (duration 4h)

  1. Background (1 hour)
    a. Power and energy systems (20 mins)
    b. Decarbonization framework (20 mins)
    c. Electricity market design (20 mins)
  2. AI-driven tools (1 hour)
    a. Data-driven reinforcement learning methods (20 mins)
    b. Markov decision process and Markov game (10 mins)
    c. Single-/Multi-agent reinforcement leaning methods (30 mins)
  3.  Energy system applications (1 hour and 30 mins)
    a. P2P energy trading for large-scale prosumers (30 mins)
    b. P2P energy trading for multi-vector microgrids (30 mins)
    c. EV ancillary-service provisions in transport-power networks (30 mins)
  4. Conclusion and future work (30 mins)
    a. Conclusion (10 mins)
    b. Future work (10 mins)
    c. Questions and answers (10 mins)


Dawei Qiu
The Imperial College London, UK

Shengrong Bu
Brock University, Canada

Zhu Han
University of Houston, USA



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