2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech

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Modelling and Characterisation of Flexibility From Distributed Energy Resources

Harnessing flexibility from distributed energy resources (DER) to participate in various markets while accounting for relevant technical and commercial constraints is essential for the development of low-carbon grids. However, there is no clear definition or even description of the salient features of aggregated DER flexibility, including its steady-state and dynamic features and how these are impacted by network constraints and market requirements. This paper proposes a comprehensive DER flexibility modelling and characterisation framework that is based on the concept of nodal operating envelope (NOE). In particular, capacity, ramp, duration and cost are identified as key flexibility metrics and associated with different but consistent NOEs describing capability, feasibility, ramp, duration, economic, technical and commercial flexibility features. These NOEs, which conceptually arise from a Venn diagram, can be built via optimal power flow (OPF) analysis, visualised in the active-reactive power space, and used by different stakeholders. Results from a canonical test system and a real distribution system illustrate the value and applicability of the proposed framework to model and characterise provision of flexibility and market services from DER for different use cases.

Shariq Riaz
The University of Melbourne

Pierluigi Mancarella
The University of Melbourne


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