2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech

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A Methodology For Offshore Transmission System Optimization Considering Spacial Constraints

This work presents an optimization method for offshore wind transmission networks considering a three dimensional spacial representation of multiple onshore connection points, bathymetry and no-go zones. The model accounts for capital expenditures (CAPEX) as well as operational expenditures such as cable and transformer losses, corrective maintenance (CM) and expected energy not transmitted (EENT). For accurate determination of operational expenditures, time series of wind generation profiles are used. The methodology combines an original offshore substation (OSS) placement algorithm, a greedy search algorithm of the combinatorial search space and a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model. Two simplifications of the full three dimensional spacial model are presented to increase tractability of large scale test cases. To demonstrate the utility of the approach, the model is applied to the Belgian Exclusive Economic Area (EEA). Results for the full three dimensional problem and the two simplified variations are compared in terms of solution quality and computation time.

Stephen Hardy
KU Leuven

Hakan Ergun
KU Leuven

Dirk Van Hertem
KU Leuven


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