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Virtual Power Circle Based Pq Decoupling Technique For A Virtual Synchronous Generator Connected To A Weak Grid
High penetration of renewable energy (RE) generations in power systems results into a low inertia-weak power grid. To increase inertia of the latter systems, the RE to grid interfacing inverters can be operated to mimic synchronous generators. This technology is known as virtual synchronous generator (VSG). However, as the grid weakens there is severe coupling between active power (P) and reactive power (Q). Hence, a VSG requires a PQ decoupling technique for its successful operation under this case (connection to the weak power grid). Therefore, this paper proposes a virtual power circle with variable center and radius for independent control of both P and Q. The method is implemented using virtual impedance. The efficacy of the proposed scheme to decouple PQ is validated using a synchronverter connected to the weak grid in MATLAB/Simulink environment.