2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech

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Tuning of Cascaded Droop Control Systems For Power Converters Based On The Eigenvalue Analysis

The tuning of cascaded control structures, which is used for stand-alone as well as parallel operated three-phase power electronic converters, can be a difficult endeavor. Especially for converters with a low switching frequency, the success of conventional tuning methods is not guaranteed. Therefore an extended tuning approach based on the eigenvalue parametric sensitivity analysis is presented in this paper, to shift the eigenvalues of a linearized small signal space-state converter model into the negative real part plane, ensuring a more stable system. Time domain simulations are utilized to assess the static behaviour of the system tuned by the presented extended algorithm in comparison to an algorithm presented in an earlier paper and conventional tuning methods.

Aaron Hebing
Technical University of Darmstadt

Xiong Xiao
Technical University of Darmstadt

Anna Pfendler
Technical University of Darmstadt


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