2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech

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Market Order Prequalification For Tso-Dso Coordination

The increasing deployment of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) creates an urgent need for active distribution grid management and effective coordination between the Transmission System Operator (TSO) and Distribution System Operator (DSO). Several TSO-DSO coordination models have been proposed in the literature. Two of these models, the Centralized Market and the Local Market model, require a market order prequalification stage. The prequalification is essential to ensure the distribution grid thermal limits are not violated when DER orders are activated in the central market (operated by the TSO). In this study, a market order prequalification scheme, applicable to both coordination models, is proposed to create a new set of market orders, ensuring that the distribution lines will not get congested under any order activation scenario. The effectiveness of the proposed prequalification scheme and the performance of the two coordination models are evaluated through a case study using a test system comprising the IEEE 9-bus system (transmission) and the IEEE 33-bus test feeder (distribution).

Ioannis Papayiannis
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence

Markos Asprou
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence

Lenos Hadjidemetriou
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence

Stelios Timotheou
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence


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