2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech

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The Illuminator: An Open Source Energy System Integration Development Kit

This paper introduces a flexible and extendable easy-to-use energy system integration development kit: the Illuminator. The Illuminator illustrates challenges arising from the energy transition. Hence, it is suitable for education and demonstration. It also acts as a sandbox for testing new research concepts, and particularly, distributed energy coordination algorithms in real and non-real time. The Illuminator technology is primarily a modular software platform developed to run on a Raspberry Pi (RasPi) cluster. It is open-source, available on GitHub and developed in Python. The Illuminator comprises models of common energy technologies, such as photovoltaic (PV) panels, wind turbines, batteries, and hydrogen systems. The uniqueness of the Illuminator is in its modularity and flexibility to reconfigure scenarios and cases on the fly, even by non-experts in a plug-and-play fashion. This paper introduces the Illuminator and shows its performance in a simple case study.

Aihui Fu
Delft University of Technology

Saini Raghav
Delft University of Technology

Remko Koornneef
Delft University of Technology


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