2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech

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Assessment of The Network Topological Impact of Line-Switching On Transient Stability

This paper presents an assessment of the effect of line-switching on the first-swing transient stability (TS) of transmission networks. It is part of a recent broader research in which network topology changes are used to optimise TS in the preventive control mode, along with generator rescheduling. In particular, the assessment of switching actions is done by using two impedance-based proximity metrics, identified by the correlation analyses with respect to TS on a large set of study cases; namely impedance between generators and fault locations, and impedance between generators. Effects of network topological changes on TS are verified via both the Equal Area Criterion (EAC) and Time Domain Simulations (TDSs) using two small test systems to allow an easy understanding of the concepts while avoiding the complexity of large networks. Obtained results show that certain network topology patterns can improve the system transient stability behaviour.

Jaime Trivino
The University of Manchester
United Kingdom

Juan Morales
The University of Manchester
United Kingdom

Victor Levi
The University of Manchester
United Kingdom


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