2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech

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Hierarchical Energy Sharing Management For A Renewable Energy Community With Heterogeneous End-Users

This paper proposes a new management mechanism for preference-based energy sharing among heterogonous end-users in a centralized renewable energy community. In the proposed hierarchical mechanism, each end-user initially performs a day-ahead self-scheduling based on the internal electricity prices. Then, the community manager optimizes intra-market exchanges in parallel and accomplishes preference-based internal energy sharing to finalize the electricity billing of end-users. Furthermore, by defining value as an intrinsic motivational factor, four types of end-users are introduced in the proposed energy community. According to the prioritized values by the end-users, they are supplied by a mix of different energy classes. Simulation results certify the benefits of the proposed scheme in energy sharing and cost reduction.

Jamal Faraji
University of Mons

Zacharie De Grève
University of Mons

François Vallée
University of Mons


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