2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech

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Assessing Distribution Network Flexibility Via Reliability-Based P-Q Area Segmentation

This paper proposes a framework to assess the flexibility of active distribution networks (ADNs) via P-Q area segmentation, considering the reliability of flexible units (FUs). A mixed-integer quadratically constrained programming (MIQCP) model is formulated to analyse flexible active and reactive power support at the interface with transmission networks, explicitly capturing the contributions and reliability of FUs that provide flexibility services within an ADN. The numerical simulations performed for a real 124-bus UK distribution network demonstrate the optimal flexibility provision by different FUs, as well as the corresponding reliability and the impact of network reconfiguration. Distribution system operators (DSOs) can use the proposed framework to identify critical units, select an adequate combination of flexibility volumes, and manage its reliability.

Andrey Churkin
The University of Manchester
United Kingdom

Wangwei Kong
The University of Manchester
United Kingdom

Nicolas Jose Melchor Gutierrez
The University of Manchester
United Kingdom

Pierluigi Mancarella
The University of Manchester
United Kingdom

Eduardo Alejandro Martinez Cesena
The University of Manchester
United Kingdom


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