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Frequency Analysis of A Novel 10 Kv Rc Voltage Divider Module Composed of Smd-Components On Printed Circuit Boards
For voltage quality measurements resistive-capacitive high voltage dividers can be used when their resistive and capacitive elements are frequency compensated. Beside frequency compensation, temperature compensation and linearity are important to reach measurement accuracy lower than 0.5 % in a bandwidth ranging from DC to 10 kHz. A novel technology utilizes SMD technology on PCBs to build cost-efficient and accurate voltage dividers. The authors investigate the frequency response of a novel 10 kV SMD voltage divider before upscaling to 100 kV and 500 kV. A detailed frequency response analysis is conducted by SFM measurement. For temperature characteristics’ evaluation, the SFM has been integrated into a climate chamber and tested for temperatures between -20 °C and 40 °C for different setups. The novel SMD HV divider reaches a bandwidth of 139 kHz while being stable within 0.5 % error for given temperature range by temperature compensation.