2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech

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Effect of Laying Parameters and Non-Sinusoidal Loading Condition of High-Voltage Underground Cables On Electrical Performance By Finite Element Method

Depending on the bonding type, screen currents and voltages of high-voltage underground cables have critical importance in the distribution system. These parameters, which directly affect energy efficiency and operational safety, need to be calculated and evaluated during the system design. Especially in electric vehicle charging stations, energy storage facilities, solar power plants, and data centers these parameters become even more critical because of operating with non-sinusoidal loading conditions. This study investigates the screen voltage, current, and loss performance of a high-voltage underground cable system consisting of two parallel circuits in different bonding types and layouts depending on the distance between the cables and the non-sinusoidal loading conditions. For this purpose, the cable system was modeled and analyzed in FEM software. In addition, the calculations performed with the finite element method were also verified by the IEC 60287-1-3 method. In the study, the performance of the system was evaluated and it emphasized that these analyses should be carried out during the system design.

Yunus Berat Demirol
Istanbul Technical University

Özcan Kalenderli
Istanbul Technical University


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