2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech

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Data-Based Harmonic Impact Quantification of Multiple Loads In A Real Medium-Voltage Network

This paper analyses a method to quantify harmonic contribution of multiple loads in a real medium-voltage network. The basis of this work is the Harmonic Impact Index, that can be developed with a data-driven approach and is a suitable method to determine the harmonic contribution of more than two parties. Background harmonics from the overlaying grid have a negative impact on the accuracy of the method and can be considered a source of error. In this paper, a short introduction in Partial Least Squares regression is given and crucial points of the implementation are presented. Finally, a possible improvement of the Harmonic Impact Index estimation is provided. Incorporating synchronized phasor measurements has shown to improve the prediction accuracy of the regression model.

Lennard Struk
Technical University of Darmstadt, Institute of Electrical Power Supply with Integration of Renewable Energy

Carl Schweinsberg
Technical University of Darmstadt, Institute of Electrical Power Supply with Integration of Renewable Energy

Jutta Hanson
Technical University of Darmstadt, Institute of Electrical Power Supply with Integration of Renewable Energy


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