Call For Tutorials
On behalf of the International Steering Committee and the Local Organizing Committee, we would like to invite experts in power systems to submit proposals for tutorials for:
PowerTech Belgrade 2023 – 25 to 29 June – Belgrade, Serbia
“Leading innovations for resilient and carbon-neutral power systems”
Important dates:
Proposal Submission
Final Decision
Presentation submission
January 15, 2023
March 15, 2023
April 15, 2023
June 25-29, 2023
Tutorials offer participants from different backgrounds the chance to explore innovative trends and learn new techniques from experts on specific topics in the Power & Energy Industry. The aim is to attract a broad audience, including professionals, researchers, students, and practitioners – anyone who wishes to enhance their knowledge in the selected tutorial topics. An effective and informative tutorial should provide a broad introduction to the chosen area as well as in-depth coverage on selected advanced topics. Commercial presentations are not acceptable.
If Tutorial is selected, the instructors must agree with the terms/conditions noted in the agreement on compensation and materials for PowerTech Tutorial Instructors.
Submit your completed application and upload your tutorial application using the application portal.
The Organizing Committee of the IEEE PowerTech Belgrade 2023 conference will review and make the selection of the tutorials.
The proposed tutorial:
- Length must be half day (4 hours) or full day (8 hours).
The following information must be included:
- Title of tutorial
- Abstract/description (~150 words)
- Target audience
- Prerequisites
- Learning objectives
- Course Outline denoting Topics and timeframes for each topic. An eight-hour tutorial should allow for at least 7.5 hours excluding break.
- Instructor names and biographies (approximately 125 words).
- Email addresses of presenters
Presenter(s) agrees to:
- Use the PES template. Presenter information and company logo may be on first and last slide only.
- Permit PDF version of slides to be distributed to registrants via PowerTech Resource Center.