

Keynote Speakers

PowerTech 2023 presents the keynote speakers for the event, in alphabetical order:

Professor Anuradha Annaswamy

Director of the Active-Adaptive Control Laboratory at MIT, Past President, IEEE CSS, IEEE & IFAC Fellow

Claudia Blanco

Chief Innovation Officer Grid Solutions business, CSTO Office - GE Renewable Energy

Professor Pierluigi Mancarella

Chair Professor of the Electrical Power Systems - University of Melbourne, IEEE Fellow

Jelena Matejic

General Manager of EMS - Serbian TSO

John McDonald

GE Grid Solutions - Smart Grid Business Development Leader, IEEE PES Past President, U. S. National Academy of Engineering, IEEE Life Fellow, CIGRE Honorary Member

Dr Dejan Ostojic

Past Sector Leader for Energy in the World Bank, a member of the Supervisory Board of Elektroprivreda Srbije, EPS a.d.

Professor Mario Paolone

Chair of the Distributed Electrical Systems Laboratory - EPFL, IEEE Fellow

Professor Christian Rehtanz

Head of the Institute of Energy Systems, Energy Efficiency and Energy Economics (ie3) - TU Dortmund University, member of Academy of Science Berlin-Brandenburg, IEEE Fellow

Professor Vijay Vittal

Regents Professor, Ira A. Fulton Chair Professor, ASU Foundation Professor - Arizona State University, U.S. National Academy of Engineering, IEEE Fellow