

Call For Special Sessions

On behalf of the International Steering Committee and the Local Organizing Committee, we would like to invite experts in power systems to submit proposals for special sessions for:

PowerTech Belgrade 2023 – 25 to 29 June – Belgrade, Serbia

“Leading innovations for resilient and carbon-neutral power systems”

Important dates:

Proposal Submission

Final Decision

Presentation submission


January 15, 2023

March 15, 2023

April 15, 2023

June 25-29, 2023

Special Sessions will take place from Monday 25th to Thursday 29th June 2023 throughout the day. These sessions have an allocated time of approximately 1.5 hours and therefore can have up to 5 presentations (each 15 minutes plus Q&A). The content of the Special Sessions can be either broad to serve as an introduction to a topic addressed or deep in order to focus on the corresponding findings.

In particular, we would like to encourage submissions from industrial or academic initiatives addressing a topics closely related to main Conference topics.

If you would like to submit a proposal, please send the information listed below (with attachments if applicable).

  • Chair info: (Special Session Chair name, affiliation, contact e-mail, and a short CV or link).
  • Abstract: No more than 300 words, including details of the R&D project involved, if applicable.
  • Speakers’ info: List of Presentations and Speakers (name, affiliation, contact e-mail, and a short CV or link).

Submit your completed application and upload your special session application using the Application Form.

Special Sessions will be allocated infrastructure (room, AV equipment, etc.) and will be advertised alongside the different activities of PowerTech 2023. All speakers must register for the conference. The chair of the session will be given one (1) free registration for the conference provided the special session brings at least three new registering participants (i.e. speakers who are not also presenting additional papers at the conference). PowerTech 2023 will not cover travel and accommodation related expenses. 

Presenter(s) agrees to:

  • Use the PES template. Presenter information and company logo may be on first and last slide only.
  • Permit PDF version of slides to be distributed to registrants via PowerTech Resource Center.

Proposal Submissions Due: 15 January 2023

Final Decision Date: 15 March 2023